I Have A Name

A poignant documentary that unfolds alongside Jon Linton, an artist who lost a friend and colleague to addiction and homelessness. In an attempt to process what happened, Jon walked out into to world, with his camera, to open himself to the reality of what it is to be unhoused. He wandered into a human experience akin to Tolstoy walking out into his beloved Moscow in the late 1800s.

By compassionately observing the true social conditions of the culture around him, Jon finds personal human rights virtually non-existent on the streets, which created such a broad and deep pathway to empathy through connection points as simple as asking and using peoples names.

Without an ounce of intent, purely through organic outflow, Jon became an activist and advocate, finding donors, partners and supporters along the way through the most improbable sets of circumstances, under the simple banner of LETS BE BETTER HUMANS.

Each time reaching what he feels is an end, true exhaustion, wondrous connections leave him feeling overcome with gratitude, hope and a deeply contemplative understanding of the potential for beauty we all hold within ourselves.

Theorem Media in partnership with Adam Bronfman, Bruce Mau, Bisi Williams and Massive Change Network are taking this film and its incredible message forward across film festivals and a worldwide event-based screening tour with a single purpose – make the homeless crisis facing the world today into an international design challenge.