Following Harry

Following Harry begins with Harry Belafonte at the age of 84, embarking on a deeply personal journey, disrupting injustice over the next ten years by passionately encouraging a diverse group of entertainers and activists to overcome soaring national unrest and anger, by believing that love has the power to redirect oppression into oblivion.

Theorem Media worked closely with the Belafonte-Nasso-Zeng, Falco Ink and Tribeca Film Festival for a two-year programming integration within the annual Harry Belafonte Voices for Social Justice Award. This created a 14-month press cycle amplified by award recipients and world premiere attendees including Jane Fonda, Aloe Blacc, Jessie Williams, Rod Starz, Cheri Belafonte, Angela Davis, Rosario Dawson and others. Theorem Media partner The Film Collaborative is taking Following Harry out to dozens of Festivals across 2025.